Friday, January 16, 2009

Obama Dithers on Dog Choice

While Congress and the President-elect spend their time discussing economic stimulus plans and other trivia, crucial matters, such as the choice of the White House dog,  go unaddressed:
“I’m frustrated with the Obamas, just get a dog already,” said Daisy Okas, a spokesperson for the American Kennel Club, who said she has heard from many angry dog owners in recent days over how the Obama’s have been handling what has become, to them at least, a politically charged issue.
This weekend, we learned that the choice had been narrowed to the Labradoodle and the Portuguese Water Dog, but
This seemed to conflict with the president-elect’s earlier statement that they hoped to rescue a dog from a shelter since, as many dog owners have pointed out in recent days, Labradoodles and especially Portuguese Water Dogs rarely are seen in shelters, especially puppies.
. . . . . . . . .
If nothing else, the ongoing presidential pooch pursuit has been a boon to animal rescue advocates, who said the Obamas’ desire to adopt from a shelter has been great for awareness - whether or not the Obamas actually wind up going the rescue route. “Our numbers sky-rocketed the week they announced that,” said Paula Fasseas, of Pets Are Worth Saving (“PAWS”), an animal welfare organization in Chicago.

Even so, Mr. Obama’s public remarks about the dog have been exasperating to some. “He just keeps making statements that are incompatible,” said Ms. Okas, of the American Kennel Club.

The Obama’s “seem to be exhibiting the classic behavior of first time dog owners,” added Ms. Line, who called the process “ a little bit confusing.”
(full article)

Welcome to Washington.  If he can come out of this one without offending everyone, maybe he really can solve our problems.

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